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Lanxiang Horticulture design standards
Source:蓝翔园艺 | Author:jqlxyy0937 | Published time: 2017-08-07 | 9056 Views | Share:

A  flower orientation requirements:
Corresponding style requirements of the long axis along the north and south to start, so that the left and right two flowers uniform light, so as to achieve the design concept. Other flowers are free to choose the direction, but note that the flower orientation is different, light conditions are different, light and temperature is the prerequisite for the survival of all plants, so in the choice of plants according to the specific location of the flower area to consider.
 二  flower size choice
Depending on the size of the environmental space, usually the length of the long axis of the flower is not limited, but for the convenience of management and reflect the rhythm of flowers, mood, you can put too long beds, each length of not more than 20m The
Between the section and the section can stay 13m intermittent lot, set the seat or other garden sketches, so that the flowers seem interesting is not monotonous. But the length of the short axis of the flower has a certain requirement, the decorative effect of the flower itself and the viewer's visual requirements, the flower should have the appropriate width. Too narrow is not easy to reflect the high landscape of the community landscape, too wide over the scope of visual appreciation caused by the management of the difficulties, mainly affect the viewing vision. Usually mixed with two-sided view of the flower mirror than the perennial flower mirror and single-sided viewing mirror wide.