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Cut flower varieties to share in the United States trip
Source:“花种子”微信公众号 | Author:jqlxyy0937 | Published time: 2017-03-28 | 17203 Views | Share:

Brassica Brassica
This plant originates in Europe, hi cool and humid climate, cold can withstand a short time -10 degrees of low temperature, the most suitable growth temperature of 17-20 degrees. Hi fertilizer, the early growth of nitrogen demand, in the fertile soil of the most appropriate growth. (With flat leaves and wrinkles two varieties)
Sowing capacity: 0.8g / square meter
Height: 15-20CM
Color: Mixed color, red, white, purple
Flowering: 1 - 4 months, 9 - 11 months
Weight: 280-300 tablets
Leaves on the gold
Annual or biennial herbs, high 10 ~ 30cm, the whole plant with milk, in the operation should avoid breaking or rubbing branches and leaves, or spilled white milk in the toxin composition, will make otolaryngoscope and other mucosal tissue and delicate facial skin got damage. Stem base branches, stems clustered, basally obliquely, glabrous or branched only slightly sparsely, base purplish, upper pale green. Leaves alternate; with short stalk; leaf blade obovate or spatulate, leaf alternate, obovate or spatulate, long 1 ~ 3cm, broadly 0.7 ~ 1cm, apex slightly concave, margin serrate above, Base cuneate, dark green or grayish green on both sides, sparse hair, lower leaves small, blossom after falling off. Cup cymes terminal, umbrella stems 5, each parachute re-adult 2 to 3 small stems, each small umbrella stems and the third split split into 2 fork, umbrella pedicle with 5 rounds of leaf-shaped bracts, And the lower leaves of the same shape and larger; total bract cup-shaped, apex 4-lobed, lobes obtuse, gland 4, shield, yellow-green; male flowers more than 10 flowers, each with stamens 1, under a short handle, Globose; female flowers 1, located in the midpoint of the inflorescence; ovary has long handle, out of inflorescence; ovary 3 rooms; style 3, Capsule spherical, about 3mm in diameter, 3 crack, smooth. Seeds brown, ovate, ca. 2mm, with prominently raised textured, with white semicircle breed. Stem top with 5 rounds of leafy buds; total inflorescences alien-like, terminal, with 5 umbrella stems, each umbrella stalk 3 small umbrella stems, each small umbrella stems and the first 3 points into 2 fork; Cup cymes bell-shaped, total buds apically 4-lobed, cracked gland 4, reniform; ovary 3-loculed, style 3. Capsule glabrous. The seed is ovate, the surface is raised in the raised textures. Flowering from April to May, fruit from June to July.