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Flower rookie Lubinghua 丨 Perennial lupine (the first phase)
Source:蓝翔园艺 | Author:jqlxyy0937 | Published time: 2016-09-06 | 5862 Views | Share:

2, pest control:
Lupine leaf spot disease spot brown to black, harm the growth of leaves and stems, resulting in leaves as early as dead, available carbendazim WP 1500 times spraying, the effect is good.
Symptoms: Leaves on the onset of raw brown small spots, after the formation of the diameter of 5-14 mm lesions. Lesion fusion for the irregular shape of brown lesions, dead. More in the summer and autumn disease. Petiole, stems, petals sometimes can be disease. The pathogen is Ceratophorumsetosum Kirchner, conidia round or spindle-shaped, diaphragm 4-5, diaphragm constricted, both ends of the cells pale, the middle cell color, size 64-80 × 16-16.5 microns. Infection pathways to suffer stems and leaves and carrier seeds overwinter. (Erysiphe polygoni (DC) symptoms: the early onset of the leaves on the white powder points, temperature and humidity appropriate, the rapid expansion of the lesion, and even extended to the whole plant leaves. When the condition is serious, the leaves are covered with white hyphae, late brown to black (fruiting body), leaf disease thickening, wilting deformed yellow.